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Presented by
Patriot Action PAC
in conjunction with the
J6 Commissary Fund.

About the Author

Zach Rehl is one of the 5 Proud Boys wrongly convicted of seditious conspiracy and currently incarcerated.

He is a Marine Corps veteran and a husband and father of 2 lovely daughters, the youngest of which was born after his arrest and has never been held in her father's arms.

He served our country honorably, but was demonized by a rabid DOJ dead-set on propping up the false narrative of sedition.  Railroaded thru a biased court in front of a tainted jury of political opponents, Zach now awaits sentencing and prepares for his appeal. 

With the love and commitment of his dedicated wife and family, and the support of proud American patriots who believe in justice, he hopes to ultimately prevail against the weaponized DOJ and the false J6 narrative that has ruined hundreds of lives and threatens to completely destroy the faith of the American people in our judicial system.

Thank you for signing up to receive Zach's journal.

PLEASE take time to support Zach Rehl's legal fund to help cover the immense costs of battling for your life against the politicized and partisan Federal government. 

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There are currently over 185 Americans held in prison for attending the US Capitol protest on January 6th, 2021.  They have been persecuted by a weaponized Department of Justice.  They have been overcharged and denied their Constitutional rights.

They are being held in inhumane and torturous conditions. Fed tainted food, denied medical care, physically and mentally abused by correctional officers.

They are veterans and law enforcement officers.  They are parents and grandparents.  They are business owners and community leaders.  Like tens of thousands of other Americans on that fateful day, they peacefully attended a protest against election fraud and in support of the challenges to the election brought by several states on the day of certification.

They are being targeted for their political beliefs. They are being targeted for being involved in conservative political organizations by their own government.

The Jailed 4 J6 Journal is an insider's look at what life is like for a January 6 inmate.  This biweekly newsletter is written by Zach Rehl, who has been incarcerated since March of 2021 and was wrongfully convicted of seditious conspiracy charges in May of 2023, after 2 years of pre-trial detention.  It details his daily life inside our inhumane prison system, and presents a real window into what  conditions are like for the January 6th detainees: unexpected lock downs, volatile staff, unhealthy facilities, negotiating a hostile system every day while working to maintain connections to loved ones and to hope itself.

Subscribe for FREE to the Jailed 4 J6 Journal by clicking the link below.  You will receive a welcome message at the email address you provide. Then every other week you will receive a new insider's report in your inbox, keeping you informed on the plight of our J6 political prisoners, and providing you exclusive access to the day to day struggle of being jailed for J6 through the eyes of patriot Zach Rehl.

Subscribe to Jailed 4 J6

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The Jailed for J6 Journal is presented by Patriot Action PAC as part of their ongoing mission to support the January 6 detainees through political activism such as #OperationYellowRibbon and projects such as the J6 Commissary Fund.

Our J6 Commissary Fund raises money for vital commissary and communications costs for J6 inmates. These expenses can be as high as $500 a month per inmate, and it is the goal of Patriot Action PAC to relieve the burden on J6 families by funding these commissary funds directly through our in house commissary fund expert.

PLEASE consider making a monthly or one time donation to the J6 Commissary Fund or find out more by clicking the link below.

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